Appointments 04 338 7726
Emergency 055 509 9835

About Our Veterinary Hospital In Dubai

As members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, M.R.C.V.S. (U.K.), we have sworn a Hippocratic oath to the care and welfare of our patients. Part of this dedication to the care of animals is maintaining up to date current knowledge in the fields of veterinary medicine and surgery monitored by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The R.C.V.S. also promotes a code of professional conduct and ethics that we at The Veterinary Hospital diligently follow and exceed.

All our veterinary surgeons at The Veterinary Hospital in Dubai participate in annual continuing professional development courses, enhancing their broad knowledge and keeping that knowledge current. All courses attended are specialist post graduate level, designed and presented by veterinary experts globally recognised in their fields of expertise.

For the rare and unusual cases, a group of nearly 300 expert consultants that form the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) are available 24 hours a day, providing us with support and cutting edge technical knowledge.

Our aim is to provide a policy of ‘Best Practice’ for the treatment of our patients and clients. Where possible, this encompasses provision of the most modern veterinary techniques and therapies; giving our patients the most successful chance of recovery.


Blood biochemistry, ECG, Urinalysis, Haematology, Fungal culture & Faecal exams, all carried out in house.


Precision X-ray equipment with digital processing allows for faster diagnosis.


Ultrasonic dental descaling equipment and digital dental x-ray allowing us to give your animals the best in dental care. We have a wide range of ‘over-the-counter ‘ oral hygiene products available.


We stock a comprehensive range of veterinary prescription medications in our 'in-house' dispensary

Surgical Department

  • Our modern, well-equipped theatres ( including gaseous anaesthetics) cater for all small animals.
  • Specialist equipment enables complex orthopaedic, soft-tissue and dental surgery to be performed.
  • We are proud to offer spinal surgery as well as the most current orthopaedic surgical procedures.
  • We perform keyhole surgery to minimise patient trauma and enhance rapid recovery.
  • Modern anaesthetic equipment has greatly reduced the risks involved in general anaesthesia.