Appointments 04 338 7726
Emergency 055 509 9835
Surgery at The Veterinary Hospital

Pet Surgery At Our Vet Hospital


The benefits of scheduling vet surgery for your pet at our established vet hospital are numerous:

  • Your pet will be under the diligent care of highly trained, experienced veterinary surgeons, members of the R.C.V.S. and veterinary nurses.
  • ‘State of the art’ general anaesthesia techniques and full monitoring equipment with the comprehensive knowledge of how to safely use it.
  • Our anaesthetic drugs have the fewest side effects and allow the fastest recovery. They are costlier than some other old-fashioned, higher risk alternatives, but at The Veterinary Hospital we will not compromise patient safety ever.
  • All patients scheduled for general anaesthesia will at the start, receive a thorough examination by the veterinary surgeon performing the operation.
  • Comprehensive pre-anaesthetic blood tests are run to check that the patient is fit to undergo anaesthesia.
  • The tests also help to identify any hidden problems that might either require special anaesthetic protocols or require treatment before considering anaesthesia. Thorough monitoring of the patient throughout the whole process by expertly trained and qualified staff.
  • We will advise you with clear written instruction and verbally what to expect after general anaesthesia, how to care for your pet postoperatively until he or she is completely recovered.
  • All patients receive pain relief before waking up so they are not in discomfort and continue to have pain relief post-operatively until comfortably recovered.
  • We re-examine the patient 2-3 days postoperatively to check all is well and our veterinary support is always available 24 hours every day of the year, giving you and our patients support every step of the way to recovery.”